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Jun 18, 2011

Anorther SOTH!Verse FIC

Jun 14, 2011

12 S.O.T.H.!Verse Poems

Part of my Buffy AU

Just Proving That There's More To Me Than Bad Spander Slash

I present this work of "art"
Some wholesome Darkside Xanatos/Darth Maul slash art

Of Vampires, Fanfiction, and Talkshows (Unfinished Collab Fic)

Unfinsihed Collab Fic: Of Vampires, Fanfiction, and Talkshows
This series was written with a friend of mine over Yahoo! Messenger conversations back in late 2002. Unfortunately we lost touch and the series was never completed. But here is what was finished

AU Spander Fic (Yet another series I need to start back up)

One of my older fics, no clue what happened to the punctuation, but here it is

Title: Prelude to War
Series: The Nireesa Chronicles
Author: Aerithika Romani (
Disclaimer: I don’t own them, I only play with them
Spoiler: Mid-Fifth season
Warning: A/U
Pairing: Xander/Spike
Rating: R
Summary: The battle for Nireesa is about to begin and Xander takes is consort.
Feedback: please, please, please

Two Fics Written For Me

I absolutely loved these two fics that were written for me years ago. I hope that the original author is not upset for me reposting them here.

Another One Of My Spander Fics

Child of my Sire, Childe of Mine


Summary: Angel, Spike and Xander aren't all that they appear to be.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don't own them, just having fun

Another Spander Fic

Thoughts and Letters


Summary: The gangs thoughts and Anya's letter to Xander set during "Sires and Childer"
Rating: PG-13
Author Notes: Thanks to my mom, who without her inspiration to write "Sires and Childer" this never would have been written

Title: Follow Ups To "Sires and Childer" Author:
Rating: G-PG-13
Disclaimer: Joss and Mutant Enemy own everyone but Cedria Pairing: S/X S/X/A, mentions of X/Anya and Willow/Tara Spoiler: Mid season 5 BVtS
Sequel: If anybody wants to write what happens next, go for it. Feedback: please, please, please

Buffy slash fic (Spander)

Sires And Childer


Summary: Spike and Xander finaly get together, only to have a demon almost tear them apart. Angel comes to visit.
Rating: NC-17
Author Notes: Note: This story was a first for me. It was the first time I used no original characters but Cedria. It was also the first few detailed sex scenes I've written, with a slight amount of help from my mom
Note 2: Spike only likes Buffy as a friend and Angel is his sire
Story Notes: Mid-season 5 BtVS

BtVS Fic, AU, Slash, Het (Majorly AU) Long

Death, Birth and Reawakenings


Summary: In a reality where Xander and Willow are demon's in human form, odd things happen. A 2300 year old demon being raised in human form by vampires and the loss Spike felt at her death
Rating: R
Author Notes: This all started with my friends (the creator of Demetri, Daemion and Dominic) and his wife (Jessica, Ethan and Kristen's creator). Without these two and my mom reading over some parts I probly wouldn't have finished it.
Story Notes: starts in 1981 and progresses to a majorly A/U first and second season. The annointed one doesnt die in the beginning of second season.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters except Aerithika, Xandria or Railian

(Authors Note: This was written by me back in 2002 - 2003, I'm thinking of returning to this series at this point)

Jun 13, 2011

Obi-Kitty Says Meow

Old Buffy Fic I Wrote With My Best Friend Marie

Title: Breaking The Cycle
Authors: Dina aka Aerithika Romani aka Darthsindel aka Mirandarose ( Marie aka Jessica Tepesch
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: S/X (duh) B/G W/T A/Wes (implied)
Disclaimer: We don't own them, just play with them
Spoilers: General up to end of season 4 BtVS and season 1 AtS
Summary: Willow and Tara do a spell
Feedback: Yes, Please, We'll Beg
Archive: If you want this, just ask, we'll say yes.

A Pair Of Old Spander Fics of Mine

Just some Spandery Fluff

Welcome To My Mind

This will be the home of my randomness, a mix of fandoms, fics, and my crazy little thoughts